Showing posts with label Siva ENT Hospital Chennai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siva ENT Hospital Chennai. Show all posts

Monday, 24 August 2020

Physiotherapist,music teachers can treat Puberphonia

It is human nature to have dreams and goals. There is nothing wrong with wanting a particular result or working toward a goal. In Fact - every day we are receiving many call for puberphonia treatment, which motivates us to act. 
Our actions were thoughtful, careful, focused and goal-oriented., attached to the end result.
We must do our best, working toward a goal with focus, attention, care and effort, our emotional stability and our inner peace must not be affected,
We like to spread this knowledge of treating puberphonia to the physiotherapist, speech therapist and music teachers.
Our goal-eradicate puberphonia.
We are willing to take classes as an "Add on course" in Institutions.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Our new findings in puberphonia

Few of our points

1. Medical and media correction-Under topic DYSPHONIA, puberphonia need not come under psychogenic cause’s .A separate cause should be titled "Improper doer": Under this puberphonia and stammering.

2. Puberphonia boys make low pitch voice while yarning and coughing-given in the WIKIPEDIA. , along with that while snoring-to be added.

3. After our treatment they get the ancestral voice, because we are doing no change in the vocal cord. This ancestral voice regaining almost avoid recurrence.

This information and awareness may be required.

Now I am going to teach Physiotherapist and Speech therapist to treat puberphonia by wearing a denture with a moving uvula-fit temporarily for few hours for practice.

How can we give and spread this message?

Monday, 17 August 2020

Physiotherapy for puberphonia

This physical exercise relive puberphonia.

Voice should come from uvula,not laryx.

What are the manipularion in the mouth and neck.


Try this quick tip to get your sound LOUDER and EASIER: Imagine you are squeezing two oranges underneath your armpits. You should feel some engagement in your pectorals (in front) and lats (in back). Sing a line of a song with and without this engagement.

Why this works:

A lot of singing deals with displacing tension, so that your larynx and vocal folds are free to move as needed. By engaging these lower muscles you are deactivating some of the laryngeal musculature which allows for more freedom in the airways. This trick works especially well for belting but can be useful for other styles!

Velum Control: This figure trains the velum (also known as the soft palate)..  This structure controls how nasal the sound is An open or partially open velar port filters out high frequencies and can soften the tone. A closed velar port allows no sound through the nose thus the voice tends to be brighter and more full.

Larynx Control If you’ve ever blown across the top of a bottle  you probably noticed that as the bottle empties the note is lower in pitch. This is because lower notes need a longer resonator (empty bottle) while  higher notes need a shorter resonator (fuller bottle).

The larynx usually lowers for low notes to make the vocal tract longer and raises for high notes to shorten the resonator. We can however consciously change the larynx height to effect the tone quality. This figure trains raising and lowering of the larynx. A lower larynx produces the darker sound featured in classical singing but can be used any time a richer sound is required. A higher larynx brightens and “thins” the quality of the voice.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

puberphonia treatment done, thanks message

Gagan Khairve
Dear sir,
Hello I am Gagan Khairve from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. One year before(24th of
july 2019) i came to your hospital "Siva ENTt" for the treatment of puberphonia.
Before the treatment I didn't have to speak in public. Many times I felt like disabled person.
God gave me a voice but not a perfect one. But old people said "भगवान के घर मɅदेर है, अधं ेर
नहȣं।" means the house of god is late but not blind and it's true. I found the ray of hope...
"Siva ENT".
After the treatment every aspect of my life has changed. Now I feel so confident and roar like
a lion. Everything has happened because of you. I am very thankful of dear Mangammal
Rani mam, Dr. Kumaresan and all supporting staff of the hospital. 🙏
Love from Bhopal❤
Thank you so much sir. you are like an angel.
Thank you so much sir...😊😊
- Gagan Khairve

Thursday, 18 June 2020

4 th paper on puberphonia published

,Dear .Dr.Alagesan

Greetings,To day 6//18/2020  I have send another paped extenetd abstract for Ethical Clearance to my parent institution Stanley Medical College. I will inform the progress.  

   I am a retired professor of ENT from Stanley Medical College in Chennai.  So far, we have treated 600 cases of Puberphonia by our new technique of pharyngeal / uvula resonance manipulation, which produces excellent results in one day. We continue, breath of fire breathing techniques for a few days to make it as a habit. We are yet to understand the science behind it.

Yours being a premier research institution in Research, I request that some of your students may be entrusted with the project of elucidating the science behind it, as it is a totally new area of research.

Herewith I am enclosing video of one of the treated patients and a copy of my publication.

4 Published papes.

1.Assess the Impact of Puberphonia in the Society - Science › ...

 May, 2019.

2.(PDF) An immediate and permanent cure for Puberphonia › amp.

3. Fast Track Treatment for Puberphonia

Kumaresan M* and Navin Bharath

ENT Surgeon, Madras University, India

*Corresponding author: M Kumaresan, ENT Surgeon, Madras University, India

Received: January 13, 2020 Published: February 05, 2020

4. New concept for uvula manipulation to treat Puberphonia, Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research

Volume 12 Issue 3 - 2020

M Kumaresan,1, Navin Bharath2,ENT, Siva ENT Hospital, India,2 ENT, Saveetha Medical College, India

Correspondence: M Kumaresan, ENT, DLO, Siva ENT Hospital, 159, Lloyds Road, Chennai-14, India, Received: March 31, 2020 | Published: June 08, 2020

Thanking you,

Prof. Dr. M. Kumaresan MS(DLO), ENT Surgeon.
Cellular / Handphone: +91 9841055774

Sunday, 7 June 2020

importance of uvula

In Uthirakosamangai, At the entrance of the main precinct, the temple features exquisite stone carvings of Yali -mythological dragon depicted with a rolling stone ball inside its mouth.Dragon flower represent the appearance of uvula inside the mouth.
Importance of uvula.
Much more than we think.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Basis of puberphonia treatment

Our treatment for pubewrphonia is based on uvula manipulation.
   Tamil language uvula trills   ; exlanation
Standard Spoken Tamil is not usually a written language. 
Tamil language have five dialects. 

1.Northern -Chennai, Kanchipuram, Tiruvannamalai and 
                   Vellore Districts
2.Central – Tiruchirappalli, Thanjavur, Cuddalore and 
                   Villupuram Districts
3.Central – Madurai Madurai
4.Southern- Ramanathapuram, Tirunelveli and Kanniyakumari 
5.Western -Salem, Dharmapuri, Coimbatore and Nilgiris 

     Phonologically, it seems clear to me that ழ் is to be grouped with r-sounds. Toḷkāppiyār gives
some very interesting phonotactic reasons for this, as he himself groups it with /r/, which we
have in sutra 95. In sutra 29 he says:
“yarala vennum puḷḷ i munnar
 mutalā keluttu ṅ akaramoṭ u tōnrum.”

     The tongue, curled back and the tip of the tongue, placed very near the roof of the mouth but not touching it. The airstream is allowed to pass through the sides of the tongue as well as in between the tip of the tongue and the roof of the mouth This sound may be described shortly as a voiced retroflex palatal

       By contrast, the specimen of Tamil given in the Principles of the International Phonetic
Association (IPA 1949:38-9), although labeled “Tirunelvalli, spoken language”, is almost
completely Literary Tamil, except for some items that are possibly the result of transcriptional
mistakes, or hypercorrections on the part of the informant. In any event, /r/ and /r/ in intervocalic
position are not phonetically distinguished in that sample even though only one instance of /r/,
i.e. ஏறவும் /eeravum/, transcribed there as [e:ravum].

        Anatomists have attempted to explain the uvula for a long time.  Galen (122-199 AD), one of the fathers of anatomy, believed that the uvula was important in speech and contributed to the beauty of the voice (Fritzell 1969).  Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519 AD) wrote that, “The uvula is the drip-stone whence drips the humor which descends from above and which falls by way of the oesophagus into the stomach.  It has no occasion to go by way of the trachea to the spiritual regions.”  This is based on the belief at the time that excess fluid from the brain and pituitary gland drained into the nasal cavity (da Vinci 1983).  While Galen believed that this fluid would drip onto the larynx to lubricate the voice and lungs, Leonardo took the opposite view, that the uvula directed this brain fluid away from the larynx and into the esophagus and on to the stomach, thus avoiding the lungs and the thoracic region where vital spirits resided.A traditional belief of the Bedouins of the southern Sinai Desert is that the uvula is the source of thirst, and its removal leads to less of a need or desire for water.  More scientific ideas of uvular function concern its role in producing certain sounds in human speech, in directing mucus from the nasal passages toward the base of the tongue, in assisting with the immunological response of throat tissue, in protecting the openings to the Eustachian tubes, and in the sensation of temperature to prevent the swallowing of overly hot food (Back et al. 2004).

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Puberphonia,not a disease! an experience!!

Puberphonia is not a disease, it is an experience. experience. Possibly many of us haven’t seen too many puberphonia in our clinic. They avoid taking treatment. Just as there may be people who know you or have seen you or even heard live with handicapped puberphonia speech. Parents and society who don’t realize that there’s anything wrong with your speech, they may feel that it is their birth right. If the and the society are not minding they can have a normal life. If they take it as a serious concern it is a devastating problem.sPuberphonia is like an iceberg. The voice and human physical body, what people see and hear, is really the smaller part. By far the larger part is the part underneath—the shame, the fear, the guilt, all those other feelings that come to us when we try to speak. It is like an iceberg. By far the larger part is the part underneath the body. Here are six principles which you can use to treat puberphonia, once you see them: they are (1) Have a casual conversation and confirm that their physical health is normal. In selected cases avoid unnecessary tests.(2)Give confidence the patient by recording the voice and showing the recorded normal oro paryngeal and laryngeal structures. (3)Give immediate male voice by uvula manipulation.(4)Maintain the manipulation-following the author technique of pharyngeal resonance manipulation.(5)Give a fire of breathing technique exercise for 21 days.(6)If necessary to remove repeated throat and nasopharyngeal congestion breathing exercise and hot water gargling may be adviced.We in Chennai use an AYUSH product namely kabha kudi neer.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Covid, healthy and aware

A message received.

bcz of Puberphonia I always thought that I am a burden on this planet, I have no confidence ,zero ego, I also tried to commit suicide ...
After watching your videos I got some hope...

Please come after viral disease.
We will help you get the normal voice and confidence.
I like to information all !
I have completed and submitted one paper on puberphonia in this COVID-19 vacation and another paper abstract ready.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Puberphonia training

How to speak clearly for a long time.
1.Hit the starts of wards sharply with clear punctuation.
2.Speak with more air in the lung.
3.Emphasis points using change in volume and not in pitch and expression.
4.Use less variation in pitch.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

origin of language/Tamil letters

The origins of spoken language:
In 1861, historical linguist Max Müller published a list of speculative theories.
1.Bow-wow. The bow-wow or cuckoo theory, which Müller attributed to the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder, saw early words as imitations of the cries of beasts and birds.
2.Pooh-pooh. The pooh-pooh theory saw the first words as emotional interjections and exclamations triggered by pain, pleasure, surprise, etc.
3.Ding-dong. Müller suggested what he called the ding-dong theory, which states that all things have a vibrating natural resonance, echoed somehow by man in his earliest words.
4.Yo-he-ho. The yo-he-ho theory claims language emerged from collective rhythmic labor, the attempt to synchronize muscular effort resulting in sounds such as heave alternating with sounds such as ho.
. 5.Ta-ta. This did not feature in Max Müller's list, having been proposed in 1930 by Sir Richard Paget. According to the ta-ta theory, humans made the earliest words by tongue movements that mimicked manual gestures, rendering them audible.

6.???....2020.Air movements are plotted in the paper,that represents spoken language.   
Origin of letters/sound/wards/speech.
Tamil letters shape depends on movement of air in the mouth.
சுயம்பு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chuympu means 
1. freedom from the control , influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. 
2. not mixed or adulterated; pure
3. oddity; singularity; eccentricity. 
4. the natural world as it exists without human beings or civilization . 
5. divine character or nature , especially that of the Supreme Being; divinity.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Puberphonia Eradication Research

In puberphonia Vocal cord is normal.So no treatment needed there.No problem in the phonatory stricture.So no treatment needed for the strutural change.Problem is only in the air flow and speech signal change in the phonatery stricture.Speech signals to detect emotions embedded in them.To explain our new succesful treatment for puberphonia need the study of the intencity of air flow, Databases for speech air flow recognition can be investigated in three parts:
Acted (Simulated) speech airflow databases
Elicited (Induced) speech airflow databases
Natural speech airflow databases.
I want an air flow signal meter.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

tracing the origin of language

The newness of old things.
          The trdition of all the dead generations weighs like night mare on the brain of the living-Karl Mark 1852.
The oposition between the pure cen-tamil and the bent or vulgar kochai-tamil is realizedin oral utteranceby prticular human activity.These utterancesreflects the4 specific conditions and goals of each such areas not only through their content,thematic style and compositional stricture.
          The first speech, representing sounds primarily through symbols and descriptions.They sound is an integral part of the story,pronunciation is a unique event that really needs sound aspart of the presentation. 
           With recent puberphonia treatment innovations of delivereing the voice by uvula resonance manipulation ,the birth and growth of the language, the letters, the rules, the sound variations and the origin of special characters, symbols for Tamil representation, and coinage of words have also been tried to dealt with.

4/14/2020,Research on puberphonia

Our 5th original research paper on puberphonia in the International ENT Journal..
     " I'd like to inform that your manuscript entitled " New Concept For Uvula Manipulation To Treat Puberphonia: JOENTR-20-RA-645" has passed unique content-91% and accepted for further peer review process. Attached you'll find athenticate report for your article to confirm its acceptance. Also I request you to provide cover letter and COI (Conflict of Interest) to move ahead."

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Zoom meeting invitation

Habits can transform our life completely?
                Think,that you want it,you will get it.
    Connect with Someone You Love Every Day.
This is a simple habit that will instantly and dramatically improve your quality of life.Humans are inherently social creatures and, despite the massive technological advancements we’ve recently experienced, we are more disconnected and solitary than ever before.Everyday  you to connect with Zoom, someone you like and it automatically charge you good health.
    Dr.M.Kumaresan invite to join zoom at 6 pm daily your friends, sit down with coffee with your friend,  spend at least 1 hour a day really connecting with people that you care about.
Just say something that will make all happy and help you relax.
Good friends give you happiness.Bad friends give you experience.Worst friends give a lession.Best friends give you memories.
    Your mind, body, and spirit will be happy.

Monday, 6 April 2020

Puberphonia Eradication program advisor

I am sure you are aware of the puberphonia eradication advicers Certification platform. We request you to visit the same here, register, explore, and learn. Not only does that provide you A.I.-driven coaching, but it also has a community where you can share your mantras of greatness in eradicating puberphonia.. 

We have an additional gift for you- our book Manager Mantras: You may reply to this mail and I will send you the e-book for your further registration.
Dr.M.Kumaresan 9841055774

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Puberphonia, nerve + air.

Coordination in the onset and release of sound necessory to treat puberphonia.
One of the very first technical skills to be mastered is that of coordinated onset and release of sound. McKinney (1994, pp. 78–79) describes three segments of speech tone, namely the phases of –
• attacca, attack (or onset) starting in the mind of a singer;
• sustention that should be steady and consistent; and
• release that should occur instantaneously and precisely.
Sell (2005, p. 110) believes that equilibrium in onset and release is the result of laryngeal muscle balance and elasticity and also refers to the role that the Bernoulli Effect (airflow causing suction) plays in the phonatory process.
McKinney (1994, p. 76) describes the two theories of how vocal fold vibration is initiated, namely the myoelastic (or muscle elasticity) theory and the 2-47aerodynamic (or air action) theory. The only difference between these theories is the factor credited to bring the vocal folds together – muscle tension according to the myoelastic theory and the Bernouilli Effect according to the
aerodynamic theory.
Sell (2005, pp. 111–112) distinguishes three types of onset, namely –
• The hard attack,( also called coup de glotte, colpo di glottide and Glottisschlag,) characterised by violent action from the vocal
muscles and also called the 'glottal plosive' leading to vocal abuse;
• The soft onset characterised by the flow of breath before sound
production which may give rise to breathy phonation impeding
clear, rich resonance; and
• The balanced onset or dynamic muscle equilibrium (Miller, 1986, p.
4) where pre-phonatory tuning takes place and is regarded as the main voluntary contribution to the control of the larynx for speech.
The mastery of balanced onset and release of sound ultimately encourages equilibrium and discipline in breathing (Sell, 2005, p. 112).
 I consider clear vocal onset and release as the foundation for free and resonant sound production.

Puberphonia/Appreciated by

Message from Mr.Kunaraj.3.4.2020
Doctor, your article that records your subtle knowledge. Barathi's illusion of the virtual world applies to their virtual research. My thinking about themselves is sparkling.
I would like to congratulate you all who love and care for the good work of medicine in the life that you have devoted to it.
You live! Emman, all over this country,
Multiplying and not drowning
Sensing and creating innovative solutions
Kumaresa, who glows day by day in the service of humanity, you live! Hail!

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Puberphonia follow up with digital speech processing

Early attempts at speech processing and recognition were primarily focused on understanding a handful of simple phonetic elements such as vowels. In 1952, three researchers at Bell Labs, Stephen. Balashek, R. Biddulph, and K. H. Davis, developed a system that could recognize digits spoken by a single speaker.Puberphonia predictive coding, a speech processing algorithm, was first proposed by us in 2019 with our puberphonia data of 543 treated. Further it needs development.It should be available commercially available speech recognition products asdigital signal processing.By this point, the vocabulary of these systems was larger than the average human vocabulary.By the early 2020s, the dominant speech processing strategy for puberphonia should have a shift away from Hidden Markov Models towards more modern neural networks and deep learning.